Friday, January 17th 2025

Mr and Mrs TAC

Ends 5pm Sat

Check-in at Pacific Room at Red Lion

Scavenger Hunt

Ends 5pm Sat

Check-in at Pacific Room at Red Lion

Drag Show 9pm - 11pm

Red Lion Ballroom

Dance 9pm-11p

Humboldt Room - Red Lion

Saturday, January 18th 2025

Pinochle/Dominoes Tournament 2pm 


Comedy show 9pm - 11pm 

Red Lion Ball Room

Dance 10pm - midnight

Humboldt Room - Red Lion

The Entertainment table location is at the Host Hotel in the Pacific Room (Red Lion/Eureka). There will be a table set up for the Silent Auction merchandise. 

Silent Auction is from Friday at 12:00 PM until Saturday at 6:00 PM. Winnersof Mr. and Mrs. TAC and the Scavenger Hunt to be announced Saturday nightbefore the Main Speaker Meeting. Dominos will be in the Hospitality Room.