
The TAC Convention Committee would like to welcome you to, “One Addict Helping Another” 

TAC XXV Convention of Narcotics Anonymous. 

Thank you for helping to bring these eight areas closer: River Cities, Greater Buttes, Shasta Trinity, Mendocino, Lake County, Middle Mountain, Sierra Foothills and our host area, Humboldt Del Norte. What started out as a small convention continues to grow beyond our imaginations, in the spirit of unity and recovery from active addiction. 

The TAC Convention was conceived to promote and attract unity between these rural Areas, by furthering our primary purpose and carrying the message of recovery to the still suering addict. 

Schedule Changes 

Any changes to the schedule will be announced at the beginning of main speaker meetings. 

We Need Your Help! 

The convention committee asks that you help us in maintaining the condition of both the hotels and fairgrounds. Please, smoke/vape only in designated areas. We need to remember that our personal conduct is a reection of our program in action. This aects Narcotics Anonymous as we present ourselves to the public in an attempt to carry out our primary purpose. 

Fourth Tradition Statement: 

“It is also important to consider how we’re viewed by society. When NA meetings rst began in many places, it was illegal for addicts to meet under any circumstances. Even where meetings are legal, the public often views groups of addicts with alarm. Until NA has established a good public reputation, it may be dicult for addicts to nd meeting places. If our behavior as NA members is still destructive and selsh, we will once again have diculty meeting openly. We help protect our reputation as a fellowship when we use our meeting facilities with respect, keeping them clean and in good repair. We should take care to act like good neighbors, conducting ourselves respectfully. Even the name a group chooses may reect on NA as a whole. If the public reputation of Narcotics Anonymous is somehow impaired, addicts may die.” 

- (It Works How and Why, pg.155). 

Regarding the Media: 

We want to remind you that anonymity serves a twofold function. It protects individual members from the pressure or temptation to speak for Narcotics Anonymous as a whole, as well as protecting the fellowship as a whole from being judged by the actions or words of one recovering individual. It is more than having your picture taken or using your last name. Everything you do at the TAC convention is a reection on the Narcotics Anonymous program. If you are approached by the media, we ask that you not grant them an interview, answer any questions or in other ways make statements for NA as a whole. Please refer or escort them to the convention registration table or the convention programming table where a representative of TAC may answer questions. 

Clarity Statement: 

“As a fellowship, we must continue to strive to move forward by not stubbornly clinging to one radical extreme or the other. Our members who have been unintentionally blurring the NA message by using drug-specic language such as‘sobriety,’ ‘alcoholic,’ ‘clean and sober,’ ‘dope end,’etc., could help by identifying simply and clearly as addicts, and using the words‘clean,’ ‘clean time,’and ‘recovery,’which imply no particular substance. We could help by referring to only our own literature at meetings, thereby avoiding any implied endorsement or aliation. Our principles stand on their own. For the sake of our development as a fellowship and the personal recovery of our members, our approach to the problem of addiction must shine through clearly in what we say and do at meetings.” 

- (An excerpt from world services board of trustees, bulletin #13). 

Convention Information: 

Marathon meetings will begin Friday January 17th at 4:00 PM. These meetings will run hourly for 45 minutes with breaks taken for the four main speaker meetings and during the Men’s and Women’s meetings. 

Topic meetings will begin on Friday Jan 17th at 12:30 PM and run throughout the weekend. Please see pages 10-23 for the Topic and Main meeting schedules. 

Badges will not be needed to attend any meeting within our program. We are not responsible for lost convention badges. 


TAC XXV convention merchandise will be for sale in the Pacic Room. Merchandise will be closed an hour before and after all Main Speaker meetings and Mens and Womens meetings. This will be located at the Host Hotel in the Pacic Room (Red Lion/Eureka) 

Hours will be: 

Friday: 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM 

Saturday: 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM 

(Closed an hour before and after all main speaker meetings) 

We are Proud to Host 

SERENDIPITY RECOVERY SHOP -Jewelry Vendor of choice 

WEST COAST AUDIO - Speaker recording located in the Pacic Room at host hotel (Red Lion/Eureka) 

If you need to reach our Merchandise Chair, please contact: Christina (707) 498-9187 Hospitality: 

The Hospitality Room will be located in the Sequoia Room of the Host Hotel (Red Lion/Eureka)

If you have a willingness to be of service in the Hospitality room, please sign up at Registration table or contact our Hospitality chair: Stacy S (707)273-0950 

(Closed an hour before and after all main speaker meetings) 


Registration will be located in the Host Hotel in the Pacic Room (Red Lion/Eureka). Hours will be: 

Friday: 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM 

Saturday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 

If you need to reach our Registration chair, please contact: Dustie (530) 218-0314 (Closed an hour before and after all main speaker meetings) 

Newcomer Packets: 

We would like to thank all of you who made a donation for the newcomer, as the number of packets we can oer is contingent upon the donations received. In the belief that we can only keep what we have by giving it away, we oer this opportunity for members to donate. This special donation goes to pay for convention registration for newcomers with 30 days clean time or less. 

Newcomer packets are given on a rst come, rst served, basis. They are available to newcomers with 30 days or less, who cannot aord the price of a registration. They will be made available in the host hotel (Red Lion) Pacic Room at the Registration table. 

If you would like to know more about Newcomer Packets, please stop by the registration table, or contact our Registration chair. See above. 


Programming will be located at the Host Hotel in the Pacic Room (Red Lion/Eureka). If you have agreed to speak or secretary a meeting or have a willingness to be of service, please check in and let the programming committee know. 

Friday: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM 9:30 PM - 10:30 PM 

Saturday: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM 

If you need to reach our Program Chair, please contact: Seth L. (279) 666-8302